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Hübsch Interiors - "you are the centre of attention"

Hübsch is a stylish range of unusual and beautiful furniture and accessories designed in Denmark with a typical Scandinavian flair. 

At Hübsch the motto is "you are the centre of attention", their focus is on people and about providing unique products.

The Danes arguably design Mid-Century pieces even better than the Americans.This Danish 2 seat sofa with birchwood legs evokes Mid-Century style that's always in vogue as one of the truly classic movements in modern furniture design.

A daybed that showcases the best in minimalist, simple Scandanavian design and which comes with all cushions and pillows included in the price. Bamboo is very weather resistant so this day bed can also be used outside and stored in a shed.

This Danish 2 seat sofa with oak legs from Hubsch will appeal to all you lovers of simple, Danish design.

This accent chair is truly multi-functional and suited to the living, dining or bedroom and both classical and modern living spaces. An example of unembellished beauty epitomised by the Danish design concept where you strip away all that's inessential and are left with what is intrinsic to the thing itself.

A delightful buttoned fabric Danish bench in an appealing and very tasteful grey fabric that would look terrific in any room.

Those Danish designers at Hubsch have succeeded again with this armchair and stool set in light grey that exudes style and sophistication. A real statement piece that will add value to all environments, modern of classical.

Each piece of this stylish range seems to be made to create a clean and soft atmosphere, where the elegant and pure characteristics of Danish simplicity, will appeal to any home.

I fell in love with this brand!

You can find more pieces from Hübsch at Vivalagoon online shop


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