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#Decorating With Lights

Lighting is one of the most important elements of interior design, without proper lighting, even the most stylish space isn't truly complete.
Lighting is essential for creating the mood and ambience of a space.
When choosing lamps, consider the style you're going for in your home first. Is it traditional? Modern? Eclectic?
Interior designer Judith Balis says:"Think of a lamp as part of the jewelry of a room.You need to select the right piece to complement the rest of the room."
As you evaluate the status of your lighting style, keep in mind that lighting also functions as art that helps define your style, set the mood and perform practical tasks.
Size, shape and style, need to be taken into account when we are selecting lamps, to suit lighting needs and to fits in home decor.
Here are some tips and ideas that you can use when it comes to lighting your home.

Over a table
Try to choose a light fixture that’s the right size for your table. If you can’t find something large enough, consider clustering multiple lights together.

Bedside lighting
When choosing lights for your bedside tables, make sure you think about how you’ll be using them. Are they strictly decorative or will they be more functional?
In the middle of a room
Pendants can be hung lower in the center of a room if there is a piece of furniture placed below it, such as a coffee table. This creates a dramatic look that is also functional.
In the hallway
Fixtures hung in an entry or hallway can add a lot of beauty, casting shadows while providing light.
Think of adding light in unexpected places.

Lighting design is all about the strategic placement of light and matching the perfect light source to its intended function.

Light up your home!


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