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Butterfly Chair -The story behind the chair

The famous Butterfly chair is seen very often in today's interiors, but the first design of the Butterfly chair was designed in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1938 by the architects Antonio Bonet, Juan Kurchan and Jorge Ferrari Hardoy, who had met as assistants in Le Corbusier's Paris atelier, and founded the think tank named Grupo Austral.
Image credit:planete-deco
The chair is occasionally known as the BKF chair, for Bonet-Kurchan-Ferrari, but an official letter from the firm attributed primary authorship of the design to Ferrari-Hardoy, which is why it is also occasionally known as the Hardoy chair.
The first of its design was composed of two bent tubular steel rods and a leather sling creating a suspended seat. The frame of the chair is painted black; the sling is brown leather.
Image credit:valentinabalafa
The BKF chair is a modern update of the Paragon chair which was first made for use as campaign furniture in the 1870s.
A later version of the design was known as the Tripolina chair, a portable chair introduced in the early 20th century. Jorge Ferrari Hardoy along with Antonio Bonet and Juan Kurchan developed the BKF in 1938 for an apartment building they designed in Buenos Aires.
On July 24, 1940, the chair was shown at the 3rd Salon de Artistas Decoradores exhibition where it was discovered by the Museum of Modern Art.
Image credit:lowehome
Image credit:style-files
Similar Buffalo Butterfly Chair
Image credit: midcenturyjo
At the request of MoMA design director Edgar Kaufmann Jr., Hardoy sent 3 pre-production chairs to New York. One is in the MoMA collection and one is at the Frank Lloyd Wright house Fallingwater (built for the Kaufmann family), but no one knows where the third chair went.
Image credit:designsponge
Naming the BKF as one of the "best efforts of modern chair design," Kaufmann accurately predicted that it would become extremely popular in the US. Likewise, Hans Knoll recognized its commercial potential and added it to the Knoll line in 1947. 
At present, the BKF chair is produced in many countries across the globe and used indoors and outdoors.
Image credit:style-files
Similar White Butterfly Chair

You can find more Butterfly chair options at Vivalagoon online shop



Archetypen said…
This type of butterfly chair is very comfortable to sit and stylish also.

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