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What is the Right Location for Your Bed?

The site Houzz got curious and was finding out what really works when it comes to these myths of bed position in the bedroom.
"Where should I position my bed?”
Leaning against the wall, in the center, near the window or facing the bathroom? Each of these positions has its pros and cons, and the site Houzz has decided to go deep and find out what really is right when it comes to where the bed should fit according to five myths of décor. Check it:

On the central wall - Feng Shui supports leaning against the bed in the central wall of the room, so this is one of the most common positions in the rooms. However, the technique indicates that this should not be done if water or gas pipes pass through the same wall (this is believed to disrupt sleep).
In reality, everything depends on the size and proportions of the space: "If the room is square, then it is better to put the bed on the central axis," explains Russian designer Julia Golavskaya. If the environment is rectangular, "it is best to divide the room into zones by placing the bed in one of them and the table and chair in another, for example." More rare, if the space is large and well proportioned, the advice is not to touch the bed on any wall, which makes the impression of the void, but also only works in certain sizes - if it is very spacious, you will have to Find another way to harmonize.
Overlooking the door and window - One of the strongest rules of the room is to have a view of the window, which is not very indicated if it is to expose your privacy. "From a psychological point of view, it's important to keep the bed as far from the door as possible while making sure that the doorway and window can be seen when you're lying down," says psychologist Natalya Mikhailova. "Many people prefer to lean against the wall of the door because it leaves those who are sleeping less visible in the event of an invasion," he says. "Another benefit is that the light coming through the door will not wake anyone sleeping," says Stepan Bugaev, artistic director of Pobeda Dizaina.
Away from the door - In many regions sleep with your feet facing a door is not well seen. The same thing happens in Feng Shui, but closet doors, for example, are an exception. According to the technique, one should not put a mirror in front of the bed or sleep between two doors. But, it all depends on the space available: it may not be ideal, but sometimes this position is the only one that makes sense for the bed.
With panoramic view - Taking advantage of the view of the room is one of the greatest wishes of the residents, but care is needed if your environment is facing the sun, which can cause discomfort or cause the window to always be closed, making it impossible to appreciate the surroundings. "Another point is that, compared to the walls, the windows are a huge source of heat loss at home. The room air near the walls is colder and more prone to air movement and this can cause dehydration. A great solution in these conditions is to install heated glass or consider changing the layout, "explains architect Mikhail Altotskiy.
TV on the room - If you suffer from mild sleep or even insomnia should not have television in the room. "Our room needs to be a sleeping sanctuary, so only sleep-related things should stay there. That means saying no to computers, TVs and other electronics, "says Dr. Neil Stanley. "There should be no mental or intellectual activity while you are in bed. We also do not recommend reading or watching television in the room, "concludes Dr. Mikhail Poluektov.
Comfort first - In the end, what really matters is your comfort: the room is a retreat, a safe haven. So it should be decorated and organized in the best way so that you feel relaxed, welcomed and snug, and a good bed it's essential.

Original text from here.


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