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Olive Trees are in Fashion:Learn how to take care of It

Trees can be grown indoors, do not give much work and still add a chic and modern touch to the décor.
(Reproduction /Homesthetics)
Filling the interior of the home with green has become very common and desirable. In this wave, cacti and succulents make the greatest success, but not only them. The olive trees are on high too! They have a thing of sophistication, a beautiful green tone and they go very well in modern environments. If you are excited to have one inside, see the following tips to take good care of your olive tree.

(Reproduction / How To Decorate / Apartment Therapy)
Sun-She needs him for at least six hours a day. Ideally, the tree should be close to a sunny south-facing window. So if you live in a place where there is almost no sun, perhaps it is not for you.

(Reproduction / Stylizmo/Apartment Therapy)
Size -The olive trees can easily reach three meters, but unless you have a very tall right foot, it is better to invest in the dwarf species. These hardly exceed two meters and you can still keep them smaller by pruning them.
(Reproduction / Bolig/Apartment Therapy)
Plantation -Olive trees like soil that drains easily. So put one or two inches of gravel to keep the soil drained. Although the olive trees grow slowly, place them in containers that are considerably larger than the initial root, so that it has where to grow. If you plant it in a large container, the chances of needing to replant your tree will be lower.
(Reproduction /Planete Deco/Apartment Therapy)
Care-To find out if it is time to water your olive tree, check if the top of the soil is dry. Remember: they do not like to get soaked. And, since they are native to the Mediterranean, they are accustomed to dry air (found in most homes).

(Reproduction /Bloesem/Apartment Therapy)
Giving fruits -If you want your olive tree to provide you with real olives, make sure you buy a fruitful seedling and not just ornamental. In order for it to bear fruit, the care is a bit different, they need to stay in an external environment for a few months (it has to do with the change in temperatures), so your mileage may vary.
(Reproduction /Homesthetics)
Unfortunately olive trees can't be grown indoors forever. Multiple sources stated that olive trees can only live indoors for eight to nine years. (What happens after the eight to nine years is not specified ) Still, eight to nine years is a pretty good run — and you might even get some fruit from it in the meantime.

Source: homesthetics casaclaudia


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