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Sofas to Love: Chesterfield

We love great design and Chesterfield leather sofas are intrinsically timeless, but each generation sees something different in each period, and Chesterfields can be dated from their particular styles.

Chesterfield armchairs and sofas are hand built by skilled craftsmen using only the finest materials: premium leathers, brass castors, solid beech fames, mahogany feet. We could go on: it is sufficient to say that none of the process is mass produced or outsourced. The components of each piece of Chesterfield furniture are made the traditional way: hand formed and also assembled by hand, using dowels, screws, and corner blocks for added strength. Unfortunately, many English built leather Chesterfield sofas for sale simply trade on our heritage of skilled craftsmen, but proceed to commit heresies, such as buying in pre-sprung cushions and then placing them on unsprung frames so as to compete on price with Far Eastern manufacturers.
Once the Chesterfield sofa frame has been fully assembled any wood that will be visible in the finished product is French polished by hand using several coats. When this time consuming process is finished the polish is allowed to fully harden in a temperature controlled environment for 2 days. The frame must now be sprung, which is a labour intensive process that involves applying individual coil or serpentine springs to the frame to ensure a long lasting shape to the Chesterfield sofas. 
Once this stage is completed, the padding is shaped to the design applied, panel by panel, until sofa takes its finished shape. 
Chesterfield sofa leather is selected from only those fine grain hides with the required finish. Templates are applied to the leather hides and the panels cut out by a dedicated pattern maker, who on completion passes the finished Chesterfield direct to the upholsterer, who applies it to the sofa. This process can take up to 3 days to complete. 
The final step is the buttoning and studding of your sofa. Between 300 -1200 studs are individually applied, which again distinguishes Chesterfield sofas from many others, who sadly apply strips of studs in long swathes to the upholstered sofa. Finally, the Chesterfield sofa leather is buffed or rubbed off and then sealed to protect the finished look. 
Only then Chesterfield sofa is for sale!
You can find Chesterfield Sofas on Vivalagoon online store


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