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Jaanus Orgusaar Designer

Jaanus Orgusaar is an Estonian designer and inventor who dives straight to the primal source – his work is inspired by nature’s geometry that makes his objects clearly distinguishable.
His trademark is the construction of three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional sheet material through inventive patterns.
Find out why we love this iconic designer.

It's the futuristic visions it presents that make science fiction the successful genre that it is, and Estonian designer Jaanus Orgusaar knows how to transform those imaginary worlds into real life with his furniture designs.
The inspiration for Dune came from sand dunes and the dynamics of ocean waves.
As a passionate experimenter he plays with structures resulting in surprising design and architectural objects.

Borealis' 8 Cells Ceiling Lamp offers unusual forms, detailed workmanship, and trendsetting design. 8CELLS is a mood light that opens up new perspectives and dimensions in different parts of the room – from cubes to stars and tetrahedrons. The warm wood and the structure of the lamp create a cosy atmosphere.
Borealis Solar Ceiling Lamp is a three-dimensional Flower of Life and an atmospheric lighting piece. It’s based on a truncated octahedron. While lit the ornamental structure appears and fills the whole room with dramatic shadows, creating a romantic atmosphere.
The shape, being based on nature’s principles, enables to change the scale of the object and so it’s possible that a lamp on Jaanus’ work desk transforms into a house and vice versa. His sculptural interior design objects are both practical and beautiful offering a unique spatial experience.

Jaanus Orgusaar will be presenting his new collection of furniture and lamps at IMM Cologne for the second year in the Pure Studios section, from 16th – 22nd January, dedicated to up-and-coming designers with limited edition collections and small series production. The participating designers have been hand-picked by the international jury for IMM Cologne PURE section.


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