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Meet the textile designer Margo Selby

Margo Selby is an award winning woven textile designer with a bold approach to creating high quality woven fabrics. Her work is recognizable for its three-dimensional structure, striking colour and geometric pattern.
Margo Selby created a woven textile design company that produces exceptional quality fabrics, rugs and accessories which blend effortlessly with both contemporary and classic interiors.
Margo trained at Chelsea College of Art and Design and The Royal College of Art. Responding to the overwhelming demand for her fabrics following her graduation, Margo began to develop relationships with weaving mills to explore the possibilities of production and launched her first collection in 2003. It was at this point that she united her innovative hand-woven structures with industrial machinery to create the first 3-dimensional fabrics that were to become the trademark of the Margo Selby brand.
Today, Margo’s extensive training in woven textiles remains central to all the design developments. Her designs are developed on a 24-shaft dobby loom and then produced by specialist mills in a range of weights suitable for soft furnishings and upholstery.

Connecting with the materials in a hands-on way whilst making on a hand-loom enables a greater understanding of the construction and behaviour of the final product. Many of the fabrics Margo designs are woven on Jaquard looms which allow for graphic imagery and pattern to be woven with articulation. In the development process these patterns are created with a combination of rough sketching and precise drawing with the aid of computer design programmes. The handwoven structures are then applied to these CAD drawings. Once the development is complete, the fabrics put into production at one of their mills.

Margo is now recognised not only as a woven textile designer but also as an entrepreneur and business woman.


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